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    发布日期:2022-06-20  作者:   浏览次数:





    研究人员:王纯磊 沈刚 范开芳 邓浩 林柯君 郭琪 汤雯霏

    Research Center of Speech Rehabilitation for the Deaf

    Granted by School of Foreign Studies, Suqian University in 2021, the Research Center of Speech Rehabilitation for the Deaf (RCSRD) was establishedto address the drastic changes and new challenges of research in speech rehabilitation for the deaf, and as far as possible to inform speech rehabilitation practices in the related speech rehabilitation contexts.

    Our Vision

    We aim to be a nationally intellectual and ethical research center for efficient engagement in a world that increasingly demands speech rehabilitation to meet the needs of the deaf.

    We manage to create a vibrant and dynamic community that provides innovativeprolific, sustainable research yields to support the school and relevant stakeholders in the area of speech rehabilitation, speech rehabilitation resources, and lifelong lasting outcome of the rehabilitation in the high-quality developmental society.


    Our Mission


    We will advance speech rehabilitation research by delivering to the provincial academic communities, and relative stakeholders with professional expertise, and broaden the horizon in speech rehabilitation, speech rehabilitation practices, the deaf cultures, the collaboration and cooperation from the national counterparts and partners.


    We will also lead in generating practical and theoretical knowledge that enables people to better understand speech rehabilitation and improve speech rehabilitation ecosystems for the provincial and national communities of special populations.

    Our Core Values

    The RCSRDS’ future will be shaped by the core values that have defined our academic freedom, tolerance, and innovation.

    We share the core values of Excellence, Ethics, Social Responsibility, Teamwork, and Professionalism.

    Current Activities

    Invited Speeches

    19th-20th, Oct. 2022  Keynote Speaker Yu Chen

    Access and Success: Development and Prospects of Speech Rehabilitation

    1st International Conference on Speech Rehabilitation (SRD 2022), Tianjin, China.

    24th March, 2023 Resource Speaker Hao Deng

    Progress of Phonological skills by Hearing-impaired Children

    Conference on Speech Rehabilitation, Suqian University, China.



    1.Xiaoxu Wei, Hearing-impaired Childrens Processing and Production of Chinese Wh-questions [M],2023, Hunan University Press.

    2. HaoDeng,Progress of Phonological skills by Hearing-impaired Children,Chinese Scientific Journal of Hearing and Speech Rehabilitation,2023, 21(2)158-161.



    Yu Chen

    Managing Officer:

    Xiaoxu Wei

    Inhouse Researchers:

    Chunlei Wang Gang Shen  Kaifang Fan Hao Deng  Kejun Lin Qi Guo Weifei Tang






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